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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This is rather awesome, actually

Look at this post by Marissa. Now look at this post by Abigail. And this post by Hannah. And do you see Bekah's post? And finally, read Morgan's post.

Now, I find this rather amazing. It's not exactly awesome that so many of us are realizing we are leaving God out of our lives, but I find it cool that there's all of a sudden so many posts about this, right when we all need to read them.
I haven't exactly been shutting God out of my life lately, but I know I've been feeling that I really need to step up my relationship with Him. Yeah, I pray daily, but I usually only read my Bible if I have to. I love church, but I need to work on living what I learn.
Now, I try my best to remember to read my Bible --and actually enjoy it and learn something from it-- and to live everything I'm taught in church and from reading the Bible on my own. But I know it's not like it should be... I really want to fix this, but I need to want it so much it actually happens. As much as I want to strengthen my relationship with Him, I still forget stuff or put it off.
I have a fairly good relationship with Him, and it really shines through at times, but I want more. I want it to be unmistakable. I want my quiet time to be something I can't go without, not something that gets shoved to the back of my mind when there's other things I'd rather do. God should be my first priority... as soon as I wake up, I should spend time with Him. Buuuuut I don't.
I say I'll work on this, but I always forget after a couple of days. It's sad, but true.

So yeah, that was kinda cool that everyone posted about this at once.

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