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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Book Review -- How To Reach Your Full Potential For God

Dr. Charles Stanley, at the beginning of his book How To Reach Your Full Potential For God, writes, “…I was sitting up in my bed wide awake with this question burning in my spirit: Do you want to reach your full potential?” He then goes on to explain to readers how we can reach our full potential. We learn that we shouldn’t merely try to get through life, but instead find out what God has planned for us and pursue His best. By living a “settled-for life”, we miss out on so much. He explains to readers how we can pursue our potential by getting rid of excuses. Seven chapters talk about overcoming some of the hurdles that often deter believers from following Christ fully. We learn that we have to continue pursuing our potential, even through challenges. He ends by encouraging us to ask God to help us pursue our potential, without waiting any longer.

I enjoyed this book, and it is definitely worth reading again. I would recommend it to any Christian who doesn’t want to live life by just getting by. There’s so much we are meant to do, and this book helps us realize how we can accomplish that.

This book was a gift from BookSneeze (Thomas Nelson) for its review.

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