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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Book Review -- Dug Down Deep

Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris: Book Cover

I mentioned I was reading Dug Down Deep, and at least three people immediately told me how great it was. I had high expectations for the book, and I’d say it fulfilled them

Dug Down Deep isn’t your typical book of theology. Joshua Harris presents basic but important truths, in simple, relevant terms. This book is great whether you’re a new Christian or just need a refresher. I found both things I’ve heard before that I should remember, and a few new ways of seeing things.
He also backs up what he says with Scripture. Many Bible verses are included to show where he’s getting the things he writes about in Dug Down Deep.
He makes the book personal by sharing some of his experiences, and also the story of his dad’s salvation.

It was an easy read, with no confusing concepts or big terms to stumble over, but at the same time was really useful. Joshua Harris is a great author, and like another of his books that I have read (I Kissed Dating Goodbye), I would wholeheartedly recommend it.

I received this book for free from the publisher for its review. I was not required to give a positive review.

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Ashley said...

Well thank you :D
And sure I'll go rate some of your reviews ^^

mikew116 said...

Great review, a friend of mine recommended it and I have been looking for more about it.