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Monday, September 26, 2011

Project 365, take 2. (Day 32)

When you have no other ideas... take random pictures that have no correlation with anything else in your day.


Britney said...

Oh, I love you. You've seen Fruits Basket.

Ashley said...

Read, actually, but yes! :D It's one of my favorites.

Britney said...

It's one of my favorites as well! I really would like to read it, but the library doesn't have the first one. And I can't find it in our Books-A-Million. :(

Ashley said...

Aw :(
Our library has very very little manga, and most are so long that I don't buy them because they cost so much for something I read really fast. I did read them online, but they take so long to load and it's too much for our internet.

I think I do want to buy the anime when I get some money. And if I go to the mall again around New Year's I'll probably break and buy a volume or 2.

Britney said...

The place I was reading manga online lost it's licensing or something, so they no longer have anything on there.
If you have Netflix, or Roku, they have anime on there, including Fruits Basket.
LOL, I know that feeling. Me and a friend of mine are taking turns buying a series, she gets all the even number volumes, I get all the odd. It's her turn to buy, but neither of us have had any money, so we've both cried a little over it...XD

Ashley said...

*nods* The site I used before (OneManga) did that. But apparently there are still sites who have manga up.
We have Netflix, but I can't use the online part, and last I checked Fruits Basket wasn't on DVD. Ah well.
Aw! Well I hope you can get another soon :)

Britney said...

I was actually talking about OneManga, lol. They were perfect, and more.
Aw, I'm sorry.
Thank you! As do I, my friend.