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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just Dreamin'

Usually when I decide an idea is dumb, I forget about it. But this one is different, apparently.

Lately, I've thought it would be really awesome to be in a band. However, that will be pretty much impossible unless God takes care of literally everything because I don't really know anyone that plays band instruments. Most of the youth group either plays stuff in the high school band, or doesn't play any instruments. And I don't know if anyone would be interested in this idea anyway. So I think it would be rather awesome if this did happen.
Mom said that sometimes the little things add up and get bigger, so to just keep praying and looking for opportunities. Which I'll definitely be doing :) It'll be cool if this works out, and to be able to look back and see how everything fell in place. I kind of have this feeling that this dream isn't going to die, and shouldn't. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I'm not going to give up anyway.

By the way, this is post 200!!! And actually I think it's even cooler that I was talking about this when I hit 200 too :)

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Rae B said...

Keep at it! What will happen will happen!

Congrats on reaching 200! :) WooT!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm Heather from SusieMag(that's how I found your blog.)
Woot! 2ooth post! =D
My sister is the same....we are learning piano, and she is dead-set on someone joining a band one day! =D
It's awesome, and your right, even little things here and there may lead to your "big break"! =D
Trust God, if its in His plan, it'll happen!