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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

You know, I love hanging out with my friends (thanks for letting me go with you, Rebeccah! :)... but man, I hate them city roads. Although the Yeti voice on the GPS was amusing (and also scared the crap outta me once or twice xP). Just not the trying-to-figure-out-which-lane-we-were-supposed-to-be-in part. And I wasn't even driving. I did quite enjoy the sound of my phone going off in the middle of the mall too x)
Makes me appreciate the country so much more. I'm so glad I no longer live in the city...
Some days living on a farm just sounds extremely appealing xD
Okay, so pretty much all the time it does x)

Country FTW ♥

And so ends another random moment. Yush ^^

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