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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Project 365, take 2. (Day 7)

Finally almost almost done. Finally.
I'm terribly slow.

Yes, I should get a bit more creative with photos. I'm trying. >.>

Also, there's a poll over in this general direction --->
Please click the little white boxes please? =)

(does anyone else dislike the new blogger interface?)


asdf said...

I seem to be one of the few people who actually likes the new Blogger :P I've been using it since it first came out in Blogger in Draft :D


Ashley said...

I actually used it when I was setting up my Reading 2011 tab... for some reason it showed up then, and hadn't again until now.
I don't necessarily dislike it, I guess... I just have to get used to it and learn where everything is now.